I'm Ram Kishor.

a tech enthusiastic.

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Ram's profile picture


I am Computer Science Engineer. I love programming and I have many skills like Web-developement, Android Development and little bit of Machine learing. Currently I am learnimg Artificial Intelligence and blockchain and many modern tecnology.I love to cook and reading books. I also love to be with chuldren.

My Skills.


Design & Development

I started learing code in college.In starting its very boring and always comes thought about giving up but I don't and Now I'm lovingig the most. I have learned web dev , android and game developement.


Cooking & Eating

I love cooking as well as my other hobbies also. But I like cooking the most because in this I cook new food and get a chance to eat new food as well as. Starting cooking at home I get healthy food made in a home. I won't go outside to eat fast food from the street I cook in a home and healthy.

I can help.

I’m currently available for freelance work.

If you have a project that you want to get started, think you need my help with something or just fancy saying hey, then get in touch.

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